Wednesday Bread and Soup
We have a weekly Wednesday bread and soup making morning which is a
great success. Anyone can gather in the kitchen from about 9:30 am to make
home-made bread and home-made soup. The resultant bread and soup are
usually superb but it is not just the results that are great. The process of
getting to the results has also been a real blessing to us. Every Wednesday
morning the kitchen is graced with fellowship and laughter as people chop,
cut, knead, bake and cook. Then at 12noon anyone can come and eat.
A £3.00 donation would be welcome,
The Church in the Community and the Community in the Church
We are really delighted that the community by which we are surrounded
makes regular use of our premises. We have many users groups for whom we
care and with whom we work. From Tumble Tots, to Yoga, to U3A, there is
almost always something going on at the Church. We are very proud of our
Victorian buildings and in the past few years, we have made a number of
renovations making them warm and comfortable. This has brought more and
more people in from the surrounding community but equally we feel called to
go out to serve in that same community. The traffic way goes both ways.
The General spirit of the Congregation
The current spirit of our congregation is really positive. Mission orientated
and community minded. We’d love to have you join us.
Palm Grove Methodist commissioned in 1871, and Trinity Presbyterian born in
1863, were both very significant mission-minded churches in their day. Both
served Christ and the local community in Oxton and Prenton very well with
large faithful congregations. In the nineteen seventies, dry rot and financial
difficulties, made it necessary for the Palm Grove congregation to leave what
had been a wonderful building for a union a quarter of a mile away with
Trinity. However, that union which took place in 1977 was not only driven by
It was also seen as an exciting opportunity for mission and a considerable
triumph for ecumenism. It was the first local ecumenical project of its kind in
the country and it made possible some wonderful expressions of witness,
service and generosity. We are hugely indebted to those who served here in
their age before us, and greatly privileged to follow on from where they left
off in ours.